Merchant Privacy Notice

This privacy notice (the “Notice“) explains how your personal data is processed when you buy a product or service in the Reward Shop. If you wish to learn more about the processing of personal data by in relation with the Reward Shop, please refer to the separate privacy notice for the Reward Shop.

1. Controller

When you purchase a product or service in the Reward Shop (the “Rewards”), Loylogic Rewards FZE (“Loylogic”) passes your personal data to the seller of that product or service (the “Merchant”) who acts as the controller for the processing of your personal data in relation with the Rewards purchase. Please refer to the Merchant Details tab on the Reward Shop to learn more about the Merchant.

2. Personal data processing

The Merchant will receive and process personal data in order to be able to process your purchase and deliver the Rewards to you, and to respond to your enquiries and follow up with you if needed. They will process the personal data required for these purposes, in particular your name, email address and shipping address. When processing the personal data set out above, the Merchant will rely on the legal ground that the processing is necessary for the performance of the contract with you and/or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into that contract.

There is generally no legal obligation for you to provide your data to a Merchant. However, without personal data a Merchant will not be able to accept and follow through with a purchase, or communicate with you.

3. Disclosure of personal data

The Merchant may disclose personal data with their affiliated companies for the purposes set out in sec. 2. They may also share your personal data with service providers acting as processors, including Loylogic, for example to procure IT services and other business-related services, and with other parties acting on their own behalf (such as authorities).

In certain cases the Merchant may transfer personal data from Switzerland/the EU/the EEA to recipients outside these regions that have no appropriate level of data protection. In that case they will ensure that your personal data is protected for example by requiring the recipient to enter into a contract that protects your data. If you wish to obtain a copy of such a data transfer agreement please contact the Merchant.

4. Storage and retention

The Merchant will keep your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which they have collected it and to protect legitimate interests, for example in asserting or defending claims, maintaining back-ups and archives, and ensuring IT security. They will also store personal data as required under applicable laws.

5. Your rights

You have the following rights in relation to your personal data, subject to the requirements of applicable law:

  • Access: the right to request, at any time and free of charge, access to your personal data stored and processed by the Merchant;
  • Rectification: the right to have incorrect or incomplete personal data corrected or updated;
  • Deletion: the right to have your personal data erased if it is no longer necessary or if you have withdrawn consent or have objected to the processing (provided there are no other grounds for processing), or if your personal data is processed unlawfully;
  • Restriction: the right to request that the processing of your personal data be restricted;
  • Right to data portability: the right to receive or transfer to someone else the personal data that you have provided to the Merchant, free of charge, in a commonly used and machine-readable format;
  • Right to lodge a complaint: the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority about the way the Merchant processes your personal data or your requests;
  • Right to withdraw consent: the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

You also have the right to object to data processing and revoke consent.

In case of queries please contact the Merchant whose contact information appears on the Merchant Details tab on the Reward Shop.

Last updated: 20th September, 2022