Magzter GOLD Magazine & Newspaper Subscription
Read 8,500+ digital magazines and newspapers across 40+ categories and 60+ languages
- Product code: PRD88719
- All Rewards from: Magzter
700 - 4,700 Miles
Magzter GOLD Magazine & Newspaper Subscription
Read 8,500+ digital magazines and newspapers across 40+ categories and 60+ languages.
- Access premium stories curated from best-selling titles
- Enjoy reading anytime and anywhere on the Magzter website, iOS, Android, Amazon and Windows apps
- Download your favorite titles and access them offline on the app
How it works
- After ordering you can download your E-Voucher with the coupon code in the section "My Transactions" under "My Rewards"
- The coupon code can only be redeemed online at
- By redeeming the coupon code, you shall get a 1-month or 1-year Magzter GOLD Subscription
- The coupon code is valid until April 30th, 2026
- After ordering you can download your E-Voucher with the coupon code in the section "My Transactions" under "My Rewards"
- No physical voucher is couriered
- The coupon code can only be redeemed online at
- Steps to redeem the coupon code
- Visit
- Enter your coupon code and click "Redeem"
- Sign in/Sign up on Magzter and confirm the coupon code redemption
- Enjoy reading 8,500+ magazines and newspapers
- The coupon code is valid until April 30th, 2026
- If you already have an active Magzter GOLD subscription, you can add the coupon code to your account after your current subscription expires
- The coupon code cannot be exchanged for cash or refunded
- For more information please visit
Magzter GOLD Magazine & Newspaper Subscription
Read 8,500+ digital magazines and newspapers across 40+ categories and 60+ languages.
- Access premium stories curated from best-selling titles
- Enjoy reading anytime and anywhere on the Magzter website, iOS, Android, Amazon and Windows apps
- Download your favorite titles and access them offline on the app
How it works
- After ordering you can download your E-Voucher with the coupon code in the section "My Transactions" under "My Rewards"
- The coupon code can only be redeemed online at
- By redeeming the coupon code, you shall get a 1-month or 1-year Magzter GOLD Subscription
- The coupon code is valid until April 30th, 2026
- After ordering you can download your E-Voucher with the coupon code in the section "My Transactions" under "My Rewards"
- No physical voucher is couriered
- The coupon code can only be redeemed online at
- Steps to redeem the coupon code
- Visit
- Enter your coupon code and click "Redeem"
- Sign in/Sign up on Magzter and confirm the coupon code redemption
- Enjoy reading 8,500+ magazines and newspapers
- The coupon code is valid until April 30th, 2026
- If you already have an active Magzter GOLD subscription, you can add the coupon code to your account after your current subscription expires
- The coupon code cannot be exchanged for cash or refunded
- For more information please visit